Transform tibble to data frame with column headers

xBarns picture xBarns · Jun 18, 2018 · Viewed 33.3k times · Source

I have data from an excel sheet imported like this:

F4_Off <- readxl::read_xlsx("myExcel.xlsx", sheet = "Offline", col_names = TRUE, range = "I1:L285")

F4_On <- readxl::read_xlsx("myExcel.xlsx", sheet = "Online", col_names = TRUE, range = "J1:M68")

This is combined using:

F4_Gesamt <- rbind(F4_Off, F4_On)

and the data looks like this:

A tibble: 351 x 4
    nein Smartphone `Computer / Laptop / Tablet` `keine Angabe`
   <dbl>      <dbl>                        <dbl>          <dbl>
 1   NA         NA                            1.             NA
 2   NA          1.                          NA              NA
 3   NA          1.                          NA              NA
 4   NA          1.                          NA              NA
 5   NA          1.                           1.             NA
 6   NA          1.                           1.             NA
 7   NA          1.                           1.             NA
 8   NA          1.                          NA              NA
 9   NA         NA                            1.             NA
10    1.        NA                           NA              NA

Actually i want this to be summed up per Column (summed up, count the "1.") and transformed into a table like this:

    Type                                    Value
    <chr>                                   <dbl>
1   nein                                    162
2   Smartphone                              120
3   `Computer / Laptop / Tablet`            93
4   `keine Angabe`                          16

i can achieve the summing up by doing:

F4_Gesamt_sum <- colSums(F4_Gesamt, na.rm = TRUE, dims = 1)

then it looks like this:

                   nein                 Smartphone Computer / Laptop / Tablet               keine Angabe 
                    162                        120                         93                         16 




Named num [1:4] 162 120 93 16
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:4] "nein" "Smartphone" "Computer / Laptop / Tablet" "keine Angabe"

And this is the point where i fails miserably for days now, how do i get it to look like I "faked" it above?

At the end I want to feed this data to ggplot and make a nice barchart.


lebatsnok picture lebatsnok · Jun 18, 2018



(function(x)data.frame(Type=names(x), Value=x))(F4_gesamt_sum)