Makefile for dummies? Mac OS X

baha-kev picture baha-kev · Feb 7, 2011 · Viewed 10.5k times · Source

I am having trouble understanding an answer to a previous question I asked here on stackoverflow located at:

More efficient R / Sweave / TeXShop work-flow?

The answer in particular is from user: las3rjock who suggests creating a "makefile" and running the makefile to automate compilation of a .Rnw in R (Sweave) and then in LaTeX. I don't know what a makefile is, or how to use it in Terminal (?) on Mac OS X. My internet searching has returned things above my knowledge level. I guess I need some hand holding to create and run a makefile.

Could anyone give "dummy" instructions on how to create a makefile to run Sweave / LaTeX, or more to the point, utilize the answer from las3rjock in the previous question? Thank you!


Jeromy Anglim picture Jeromy Anglim · Feb 8, 2011

I wrote a post with links on getting started with makefiles for Sweave.

From the post:

I also posted four sample Sweave documents. Each one has full source code available on github. Each one uses a makefile. In the first two tutorials, details of the makefile are described: