I am trying to do imputation to a medium size dataframe (~100,000 rows) where 5 columns out of 30 have NAs (a large proportion, around 60%).
I tried mice with the following code:
data_3 = complete(mice(data_2))
After the first iteration I got the following exception:
iter imp variable
1 1 Existing_EMI Loan_Amount Loan_Period
Error in solve.default(xtx + diag(pen)): system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.08007e-16
Is there some other package that is more robust to this kind of situations? How can I deal with this problem?
Your 5 columns might have a number of unbalanced factors. When these are turned into dummy variables there is a high probability that you will have one column a linear combination of another. The default imputation methods of mice
involve linear regression, this results in a X matrix that cannot be inverted and will result in your error.
Change the method being used to something else like cart -- mice(data_2, method = "cart")
--. Also check which seed you are calling before / during imputation for reproducible results.
My advice is to go through the 7 vignettes of mice. You can find out how to change the method
of imputation being used for separate columns instead of for the whole dataset.