Remove timezone during POSIXlt Conversion in R

Simbu picture Simbu · Jul 7, 2017 · Viewed 11.6k times · Source

I have a column in my dataframe as datetime (factor) with the values as "15-10-2017 16:41:00".

I wanted this data to be converted as "2017-10-15 16:41:00". When i try to convert this, I'm getting the timezone also as output.

I tried using tz="", usetz=F but no use. Any suggestions ?


as.POSIXlt("15-10-2017 16:41:00",format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S") [1] "2017-10-15 16:41:00 IST"


Probel picture Probel · Jul 7, 2017

From the help page of as.POSIXlt:

"" is the current time zone

which is the default.

That's why it does not work. You could remove the timezone information this way, and it will not show while printing:

my_datetime <- as.POSIXlt("15-10-2017 16:41:00",format = "%d-%m-%Y %H:%M:%S")
my_datetime$zone <- NULL

but I don't understand why you would want to do that. You should convert to GMT if you don't want to worry about the timezone. Also lubridate package has a nice force_tz function if you have to force some specific timezones.