How do I transpose a tibble() in R

Alex picture Alex · Mar 14, 2017 · Viewed 21.1k times · Source

In R the t() function is really meant for matrices. When I try to transpose my tibble with t() I end up with a matrix. A matrix can't be made into a tibble with tibble(). I end up spending time storing column names as variables and attaching them as I try to re-make a transposed version of my tibble.

Question: What is the simplest way to transpose a tibble where the first column should become the column names of the new tibble and the old column names become the first column of my new tibble.


Laurent picture Laurent · Mar 14, 2017

As Sotos has mentioned it, you just need to re-declare your matrix as a tible:

as_tibble(cbind(nms = names(df), t(df)))