reading csv files over ssl with R

JD Long picture JD Long · Nov 8, 2010 · Viewed 9k times · Source

Now that the whole world is clambering to use SSL all the time (a decision that makes a lot of sense) some of us who have used github and related services to store csv files have a little bit of a challenge. The read.csv() function does not support SSL when reading from a URL. To get around this I'm doing a little dance I like to call the SSL kabuki dance. I grab the text file with RCurl, write it to a temp file, then read it with read.csv(). Is there a smoother way of doing this? Better work-arounds?

Here's a simple example of the SSL kabuki:

myCsv <- getURL("")
temporaryFile <- tempfile()
con <- file(temporaryFile, open = "w")
cat(myCsv, file = con) 



Sean picture Sean · Nov 9, 2010

No need to write it to a file - just use textConnection()

myCsv <- getURL("")
WhatJDwants <- read.csv(textConnection(myCsv))