how can I suppress output from Sweave that is not suppressed by echo=FALSE?

David LeBauer picture David LeBauer · Oct 21, 2010 · Viewed 9.9k times · Source

I am getting extraneous output in my .tex file that I can not suppress with <> or sink(). Notably, the unwanted lines are not enclosed by ..{Schunk} or similar.

This occurs for me when I use either DEoptim or rjags, although this is likely not limited to these functions.

example .Rnw file:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12]{article}

Rosenbrock <- function(x){ #example from DEoptim authors 
  x1 <- x[1]
  x2 <- x[2]
  100 * (x2 - x1 * x1)^2 + (1 - x1)^2
lower <- c(-10,-10)
upper <- -lower
DEoptim(Rosenbrock, lower, upper)



What I want to happen The result that I would like is the tex file that would be produced if the output were suppressed, or equivalently, if the code chunk were removed from the .Rnw file:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12]{article}


What Happens However, the resulting .tex file has output from the function:

\documentclass[a4paper, 12]{article}

Iteration: 1 bestvalit: 132.371451 bestmemit:   -1.851683    4.543355
Iteration: 2 bestvalit: 8.620563 bestmemit:   -1.854371    3.369908
....few hundred lines of DEoptim output ....

[1] "DEoptim"

Note that the output is not enclosed by \begin{Schunk} \end{Schunk}, so the $ signs confuse LaTeX and it won't compile.


Kieran picture Kieran · Oct 22, 2010

Have you tried

<<echo=FALSE, results=hide>>
