Following the directions provided in this related question, I was able to send html formated mail messages. Now the question is this: How should I modify the following code, in order to attach one or more files (of any type) to this message?
from <- "<[email protected]>"
to <- c("<[email protected]>","<[email protected]>")
subject <- iconv("Message Title", to = "utf8")
msg <- "<hr size='2' width='33%' style='text-align: left;'><font size='2'>
<i>This email was sent automatically using <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>sendmailR</a>.<br>
Please do not reply directly to this e-mail.</i></font>"
msg <- iconv(msg, to = "utf8")
sapply(to,function(x) sendmail(from, x, subject, msg, control=list(smtpServer="###.###.###.###"), headers=list("Content-Type"="text/html; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed")))
With the mailR package (, you could send HTML emails and additionally attach files with ease as below:
send.mail(from = "[email protected]",
to = c("[email protected]", "[email protected]"),
subject = "Subject of the email",
body = "<html>The apache logo - <img src=\"\"></html>",
html = TRUE,
smtp = list( = "", port = 465, = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = TRUE),
attach.files = c("./download.log", "upload.log"),
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE)
Edit (2014-05-13):
mailR has been updated to allow different character encodings. Below is an example to send the message as UTF-8.
send.mail(from = "Sender Name <[email protected]>",
to = "[email protected]",
subject = "A quote from Gandhi",
body = "In Hindi : थोडा सा अभ्यास बहुत सारे उपदेशों से बेहतर है।
English translation: An ounce of practice is worth more than tons of preaching.",
encoding = "utf-8",
smtp = list( = "", port = 465, = "gmail_username", passwd = "password", ssl = T),
authenticate = TRUE,
send = TRUE)