I'm currently a beginner in Plotly and have a problem I can't seem to solve. I have my plotly stacked bar chart but I don't know how to color each individual category. I am currently using R.
This is my current stacked bar chart:
My current code is:
p = plot_ly(x, x = day, y = count, type = "bar", group = status) %>% layout(barmode = "stack", showlegend = T)
I've tried using the "color = "
parameter and also markers, but nothing correctly colors my graph.
You need to specify a factor for the color
parameters, and then a vector of colours for the colors
Here is a simple solution. Note the ordering required on the data frame before plotting.
df <- data.frame(x = rep(LETTERS[1:5], 3),
y = rexp(15, rate = 0.5),
z = c(rep("Adam", 5), rep("Arthur", 5), rep("Ford", 5)))
df <- arrange(df, desc(z))
x = x,
y = y,
color = z,
colors = c("grey50", "blue", "red"),
type = "bar") %>%
layout(barmode = "stack")
The ordering on the data frame matters strangely. I would have thought plot_ly
would use the order of the levels but it doesn't.
This example uses plotly
3.x.x. If you use plotly
4.x.x or above, this code may not work as is. See here for more details: https://www.r-bloggers.com/upgrading-to-plotly-4-0-and-above/