Using 'rvest' to extract links

Allen picture Allen · Feb 6, 2016 · Viewed 21.2k times · Source

I am trying to scrape data from Yelp. One step is to extract links from each restaurant. For example, I search restaurants in NYC and get some results. Then I want to extract the links of all the 10 restaurants Yelp recommends on page 1. Here is what I have tried:

page %>% html_nodes(".biz-name span") %>% html_attr('href')

But the code always returns 'NA'. Can anyone help me with that? Thanks!


Bharath picture Bharath · Feb 6, 2016
page <- read_html(",+NY,+USA")
page %>% html_nodes(".biz-name") %>% html_attr('href')

Hope this would simplify your problem