Plotly: add_trace in a loop

sparkle picture sparkle · Dec 9, 2015 · Viewed 7.1k times · Source

I'm trying to add_trace ad each loop, but I get only one plot with multiplies lines on over each other.

mean <- -0.0007200342
sd   <- 0.3403711
Delta = T/N

W = c(0,cumsum( sqrt(Delta) * rnorm(N, mean=mean, sd=sd)))
t <- seq(0,T, length=N+1)

p<-plot_ly(y=W, x=t)

for(i in 1:5){

  W <- c(0,cumsum( sqrt(Delta) * rnorm(N, mean=mean, sd=sd)))
  p<-add_trace(p, y=W)


enter image description here


Perry Kuipers picture Perry Kuipers · Jan 22, 2016

The plot_ly and add_trace functions have an evaluation = FALSE option that you can change to TRUE, which should fix the scope issues.