R Shiny: Download existing file

cdeterman picture cdeterman · Oct 29, 2015 · Viewed 12.6k times · Source

Let's say I have an existing zip file (out.zip) in my shiny app (i.e. located on a server). I would like to have the user be able to download this file. This question is very similar to this one. However, that question zips files within the downloadHandler whereas the zip file already exists in my case.


app <- list(
  ui = fluidPage(
        downloadButton("downloadData", label = "Download")
      mainPanel(h6("Sample download", align = "center"))

  server = function(input, output) {  
    output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
      filename <- function() {
        paste("output", "zip", sep=".")

      content <- function(file) {
        # not sure what to put here???
      contentType = "application/zip"



cdeterman picture cdeterman · Oct 29, 2015

After poking around with different file handling functions I discovered that file.copy can be used to download the file.

I change downloadHandler to:

output$downloadData <- downloadHandler(
  filename <- function() {
    paste("output", "zip", sep=".")

  content <- function(file) {
    file.copy("out.zip", file)
  contentType = "application/zip"