increasing the distance between igraph nodes

Ben picture Ben · Sep 30, 2015 · Viewed 20.9k times · Source

I have a graph that I have produced using igraph. I'd like to spread out the nodes. The only way I have found so far to do this is to scale the layout and force the plot command to not rescale.

png("kmeansColouredNetwork.png", width=1200,height = 1000)
col=c("yellow", "saddlebrown", "brown1","chartreuse2", "chocolate1","darkorange" ,"deepskyblue1", "hotpink1","plum2")
for(i in 1:9){
  V(graph)$cluster[which(V(graph)$name %in% kmeans[,i])]<-col[i]
coords <- layout.fruchterman.reingold(graph)*0.5
plot(graph, layout = coords, vertex.label=NA, rescale=FALSE,  vertex.size=degree(graph)*.25,vertex.color=V(graph)$cluster)
labels = paste("cluster:", 1:length(colours))
legend("left",legend=labels, col=col, pch=16, title="K means clustered subgroups")

If I don't rescale, the central highly connected nodes clump together and I get a graph like this, where the patterns in the body of the graph are impossible to discern: enter image description here

On the other hand, if I tell the plot command not to rescale, then I get this : enter image description here

where the patterns are discernible, but half the graph is off the plot. It's not a matter of plot size as if I increase the dimensions of the png, it still centres the graph off the edge of the plot.

It's not a matter of the layout - I've tried fruchterman.reingold, layout_nicely, reingold.tilford,, layout random, the same thing happens.

There apparently used to be a variable to set a repulsion factor between nodes, but that appears to be deprecated.

How does one spread the nodes of the graph out or rescale and recenter the plot?


Tompa Miklos picture Tompa Miklos · May 25, 2016

I just found the below answer on StackOverflow:
igraph axes xlim ylim plot incorrectly

Basically, you can set ylim and xlim and asp. You can set which part of the graph to display (as usual with xlim and ylim) and if the two axis are dependent on each other.

plot(g, rescale = FALSE, ylim=c(1,4),xlim=c(-17,24), asp = 0)