I've created two regression models using a linear panel model with plm, and a generalized panel model using poisson with the pglm package.
library(plm); library(pglm)
data(Unions) # from pglm-package
punions <- pdata.frame(Unions, c("id", "year"))
fit1 <- plm(wage ~ exper + rural + married, data=punions, model="random")
fit2 <- pglm(wage ~ exper + rural + married, data=punions, model="random", family="poisson")
I now want to compare the two fits graphically by plotting the fitted values in a set of scatterplots. Preferably along these lines using ggplot2:
ggplot(punions, aes(x=exper, y=wage)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(rural ~ married)
I considered simply using ggplot2's stat_smooth()
, but (perhaps unsurprisingly) it doesn't seem to recognize the panel format of my data. Manually extracting the predicted values with predict
also does not seem to work for the pglm-model.
How do I overlay the predicted values for my two panel models in this plot?
Similar to @mtoto, I am also not familiar with either library(plm)
or library(gplm)
. But the predict method for plm
is available, it's just not exported. pglm
does not have a predict method.
R> methods(class= "plm")
[1] ercomp fixef has.intercept model.matrix pFtest plmtest plot pmodel.response
[9] pooltest predict residuals summary vcovBK vcovHC vcovSCC
R> methods(class= "pglm")
no methods found
Of note, I do not understand why you are using a Poisson model for the wage data. It's clearly not a Poisson distribution since it takes non-integer values (below). You could try a negative binomial if you wish, though I'm not sure that's available with random effects. But you could use MASS::glm.nb
for instance.
> quantile(Unions$wage, seq(0,1,.1))
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
0.02790139 2.87570334 3.54965422 4.14864865 4.71605855 5.31824370 6.01422463 6.87414349 7.88514525 9.59904809 57.50431282
punions$p <- plm:::predict.plm(fit1, punions)
# From examining the source code, predict.plm does not incorporate
# the random effects, so you do not get appropriate predictions.
# You just get the FE predictions.
ggplot(punions, aes(x=exper, y=p)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(rural ~ married)
Alternatively, you can get similar fits from the lme4
package, which does have a predict method defined:
Unions$id <- factor(Unions$id)
fit3 <- lmer(wage ~ exper + rural + married + (1|id), data= Unions)
# not run:
fit4 <- glmer(wage ~ exper + rural + married + (1|id), data= Unions, family= poisson(link= "log"))
R> fit1$coefficients
(Intercept) exper ruralyes marriedyes
3.7467469 0.3088949 -0.2442846 0.4781113
R> fixef(fit3)
(Intercept) exper ruralyes marriedyes
3.7150302 0.3134898 -0.1950361 0.4592975
I haven't run the poisson models because it's clearly incorrectly specified. You could do some sort of variable transformation to handle it or perhaps a negative binomial. In any case, let's finish the example:
# this has RE for individuals, so you do see dispersion based on the RE
Unions$p <- predict(fit3, Unions)
ggplot(Unions, aes(x=exper, y=p)) +
geom_point() +
facet_wrap(rural ~ married)