Run multiple R-scripts simultaneously

Acarbalacar picture Acarbalacar · Jun 30, 2015 · Viewed 42.8k times · Source

In my thesis I need to perform a lot of simulation studies, which all takes quite a while. My computer has 4 cores, so I have been wondering if it is possible to run for example two R-scripts in Rstudio at the same time, by letting them use two different cores? If this could be done, I could be saving a lot of time by just leaving the computer over night running all these scripts.


Tom Kelly picture Tom Kelly · Jan 29, 2017

##In RStudio

If you right click on RStudio, you should be able to open several separate "sessions" of RStudio (whether or not you use Projects). By default these will use 1 core each.

Update (July 2018): RStudio v1.2.830-1 which is available as a Preview Release supports a "jobs" pane. This is dedicated to running R scripts in the background separate from the interactive R session:

  • Run any R script as a background job in a clean R session
  • Monitor progress and see script output in real time
  • Optionally give jobs your global environment when started, and export values back when complete

This will be available in RStudio version 1.2.

##Running Scripts in the Terminal

If have several scripts that you know run without errors, I'd recommend running these on different parameters through the command-line:

RCMD script.R
RScript script.R
R --vanilla < script.R

Running in the background:

nohup Rscript script.R &

Here "&" runs the script in the background (it can be retrieved with fg, monitored with htop, and killed with kill <pid> or pkill rsession) and nohup saves the output in a file and continues to run if the terminal is closed.

Passing arguments to a script:

Rscript script.R 1 2 3

This will pass c(1, 2, 3) to R as the output of commandArgs() so a loop in bash can run multiple instances of Rscript with a bash loop:

for ii in 1 2 3
  nohup Rscript script.R $ii &

##Running parallel code within R

You will often find that a particular step in your R script is slowing computations, may I suggest running parallel code within your R code rather than running them separately? I'd recommend the [snow package][1] for running loops in parallel in R. Generally, instead of use:

cl <- makeCluster(n)
# n = number of cores (I'd recommend one less than machine capacity)
clusterExport(cl, list=ls()) #export input data to all cores
output_list <- parLapply(cl, input_list, function(x) ... )
stopCluster() # close cluster when complete (particularly on shared machines)

Use this anywhere you would normally use a lapply function in R to run it in parallel. [1]: