I am trying to make a package but when I run document()
it prints NAMESPACE not generated by roxygen2. Skipped.
I am trying to use ggplot2,XML, R6
packages in my functions. I am importing them in the following way:
#' @rdname visualization
#' @param hist_data A table of weather variables with PWS created by hist_data function
#' @param variable A character string of variable name
#' @examples
#' table <- getWeather(city = "San Francisco", state="CA")
#' please <- getConditionsTable(table, "2015-03-09")
#' tab <- hist_data(table, please)
#' head(tab)
#' plot_variable_across_all_pws(hist_data=tab, variable="tempi")
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import XML
#' @import R6
I am wondering what might be causing this error and there is nothing in my Namespace
except for exportPattern("^[^\\.]")
Also, I was going over R packages book by Hadley http://r-pkgs.had.co.nz/namespace.html And confused by the line :
"Note that you can choose to use roxygen2 to generate just NAMESPACE, just man/*.Rd, or both. If you don’t use any namespace related tags, roxygen2 won’t touch NAMESPACE. If you don’t use any documentation related tags, roxygen2 won’t touch man/."
Is this what I'm doing wrong? or missing?
, so that roxygen2 will generate new NAMESPACE file in the package source directory*** make sure you have @export
tag in the roxygen2 doc section of the R source file.