How to open an .xlsb file in R?

user2946746 picture user2946746 · Feb 23, 2015 · Viewed 16.9k times · Source

I'm trying to open an .xlsb file in R and keep getting similar errors.

Any recommendations on how to solve this issue without having to download the data and save it in a different formate?

read.xlsx(paste(OutputLocation,FileName, sep=""), sheetName = "Master Data")

Error messages: Error in .jcall("RJavaTools", "Ljava/lang/Object;", "invokeMethod", cl, : org.apache.poi.xssf.XLSBUnsupportedException: .XLSB Binary Workbooks are not supported

rigDataWB<-loadWorkbook(paste(OutputLocation,FileName, sep=""))

Error messages: Error: XLSBUnsupportedException (Java): .XLSB Binary Workbooks are not supported

Please note:

I cannot install Perl libraries.

I'm running 64bit R.


My data is from:


Anirban Pramanik picture Anirban Pramanik · Aug 9, 2016

Use the RODBC package:

wb <- "D:\\Data\\Masked Data.xlsb" # Give the file name
con2 <- odbcConnectExcel2007(wb)
data <- sqlFetch(con2, "Sheet1$") # Provide name of sheet