Can't run Rcpp function in foreach - "NULL value passed as symbol address"

Patrick McCarthy picture Patrick McCarthy · Jul 31, 2014 · Viewed 7.7k times · Source

Let me say first that I've read Writing R Extensions, the Rcpp package vignette, and that I've built a package from Rcpp.package.skeleton().

Since building my package, I added a function, multiGenerateCSVrow(), and then ran compileAttributes() on the package directory before R CMD build/R CMD install. After I load my package, I can run my function either directly or via foreach() with the %do% method.

When I try to run in parallel however, I get an error:

cl <- makePSOCKcluster(8)                                                                                     
rows <- foreach(i=1:8,.combine=rbind,.packages="myPackage") %dopar% multiGenerateCSVrow(scoreMatrix=NIsample,   
                                                                   validMatrix = matrix(1,nrow=10,ncol=10),   
                                                                   cutoffVector = rep(0,10),                  
                                                                   factorVector = randomsCutPlus1[i,],        
                                                                   actualVector = rep(1,10),                  
                                                                   scaleSample = 1)                           

Error in multiGenerateCSVrow(scoreMatrix = NIsample, validMatrix = matrix(1,  : 
  task 1 failed - "NULL value passed as symbol address"

Here's the package NAMESPACE:

# Generated by roxygen2 (4.0.1): do not edit by hand 
importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp) 

Here's the relevant chunk of RcppExports.cpp:

// multiGenerateCSVrow
SEXP multiGenerateCSVrow(SEXP scoreMatrix, SEXP validMatrix, SEXP cutoffVector, SEXP factorVector, SEXP actualVector, SEXP scaleSample);
RcppExport SEXP myPackage_multiGenerateCSVrow(SEXP scoreMatrixSEXP, SEXP validMatrixSEXP, SEXP cutoffVectorSEXP, SEXP factorVectorSEXP, SEXP actualVectorSEXP, SEXP scaleSampleSEXP) {
    SEXP __sexp_result;
        Rcpp::RNGScope __rngScope;
        Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type scoreMatrix(scoreMatrixSEXP );
        Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type validMatrix(validMatrixSEXP );
        Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type cutoffVector(cutoffVectorSEXP );
        Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type factorVector(factorVectorSEXP );
        Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type actualVector(actualVectorSEXP );
        Rcpp::traits::input_parameter< SEXP >::type scaleSample(scaleSampleSEXP );
        SEXP __result = multiGenerateCSVrow(scoreMatrix, validMatrix, cutoffVector, factorVector, actualVector, scaleSample);
        PROTECT(__sexp_result = Rcpp::wrap(__result));
    return __sexp_result;

And RcppExports.R:

multiGenerateCSVrow <- function(scoreMatrix, validMatrix, cutoffVector, factorVector, actualVector, scaleSample) {
    .Call('myPackage_multiGenerateCSVrow', PACKAGE = 'myPackage', scoreMatrix, validMatrix, cutoffVector, factorVector, actualVector, scaleSample)

What could it be looking for?


henine picture henine · Jun 23, 2017

I had a similar problem and I solved it by adding .noexport = c(<Functions that were implemented in C++>) to the foreach.

I am guessing these functions get imported from the global environment into the parallel contexts, but, since they are not ordinary functions, they don't actually work. This does mean the functions have to be loaded separately on each node; in my case that was a SNOW clusterCall() call that sourced various files including the C++ code.