I have a dataset of point coordinate in UTM zone 48.
x y
615028.3 2261614
615016.3 2261635
614994.4 2261652
The CSV file here.
I would like to load the CSV and create shapefile using R. My code is:
proj4string(UTMcoor)=CRS("++proj=utm +zone=48") # set it to UTM
LLcoor<-spTransform(UTMcoor,CRS("+proj=longlat")) #set it to Lat Long
points(LLcoor$X,LLcoor$Y,pch=19,col="blue",cex=0.8) #to test if coordinate can be plot as point map
writeOGR(UTMcoor, dsn="c:/todel" ,layer="tsb",driver="ESRI Shapefile")
In the last command (writeSpatialShape) R give the following error:
Error in writeSpatialShape("LL2", "test") :
x is acharacterobject, not a compatible Spatial*DataFrame
As I read the LLcoor from the console it seem that it already a Spatial DataFrame. Writing shape file using writeOGR (RGdal package) also give similar error. Any hint is much appreciated.
There's something wrong with your example. The second to last line fails, too.
In any case, your error is pretty clear. You're supplying the name of the variable "LL2" instead of the variable itself. But in your example neither LLcoor
nor UTMcoor
are in the proper format to use with writeOGR
or writeSpatialShape
. You need to first convert them to SpatialDataframe
, e.g., :
UTMcoor.df <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(UTMcoor, data.frame(id=1:length(UTMcoor)))