R Time periods overlapping

Moti Bar Assouline picture Moti Bar Assouline · May 12, 2014 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

With "lubridate" package in R, I can find out if two time periods overlapped. but Is there an efficient way to compute for how many days they overlapped. (for instance how many days a women smoked while pregnant. the pregnancy period and smoking period may overlap totally, partially or not at all)

Here is an example with three women:

preg_end<-preg_start+270 # end after 9 months
smoke_end<-smoke_start+100 # all three smoked 100 days


I want to add a variable saying that the first woman smoked 100 days during pregnancy, the second smoked 30 days and the third did not smoke while pregnant.


nnn picture nnn · Jun 3, 2014

Use interval to create time intervals for pregnancy and smoking. Then calculate the intersect of these intervals. From that you can calculate the period in days.

preg_end<-preg_start+270 # end after 9 months
smoke_end<-smoke_start+100 # all three smoked 100 days

smoke <- new_interval(smoke_start, smoke_end, tzone="UTC")
preg <- new_interval(preg_start, preg_end, tzone="UTC")
day(as.period(intersect(smoke, preg), "days"))

I get 100, 57 and 0 days of smoking during pregnancy.