I have an output from ctree()
package) that looks like the following. How do I get the list of splitting conditions for each terminal node, like like sns <= 0, dta <= 1; sns <= 0, dta > 1
and so on?
1) sns <= 0; criterion = 1, statistic = 14655.021
2) dta <= 1; criterion = 1, statistic = 3286.389
3)* weights = 153682
2) dta > 1
4)* weights = 289415
1) sns > 0
5) dta <= 2; criterion = 1, statistic = 1882.439
6)* weights = 245457
5) dta > 2
7) dta <= 6; criterion = 1, statistic = 1170.813
8)* weights = 328582
7) dta > 6
This function should do the job
CtreePathFunc <- function (ct, data) {
ResulTable <- data.frame(Node = character(), Path = character())
for(Node in unique(where(ct))){
# Taking all possible non-Terminal nodes that are smaller than the selected terminal node
NonTerminalNodes <- setdiff(1:(Node - 1), unique(where(ct))[unique(where(ct)) < Node])
# Getting the weigths for that node
NodeWeights <- nodes(ct, Node)[[1]]$weights
# Finding the path
Path <- NULL
for (i in NonTerminalNodes){
if(any(NodeWeights & nodes(ct, i)[[1]][2][[1]] == 1)) Path <- append(Path, i)
# Finding the splitting creteria for that path
Path2 <- SB <- NULL
for(i in 1:length(Path)){
if(i == length(Path)) {
n <- nodes(ct, Node)[[1]]
} else {n <- nodes(ct, Path[i + 1])[[1]]}
if(all(data[which(as.logical(n$weights)), as.character(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]])[length(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]]))])] <= as.numeric(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]])[3]))){
SB <- "<="
} else {SB <- ">"}
Path2 <- paste(c(Path2, paste(as.character(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]])[length(unlist(nodes(ct,Path[i])[[1]][[5]]))]),
collapse = ", ")
# Output
ResulTable <- rbind(ResulTable, cbind(Node = Node, Path = Path2))
airq <- subset(airquality, !is.na(Ozone))
ct <- ctree(Ozone ~ ., data = airq, controls = ctree_control(maxsurrogate = 3))
Result <- CtreePathFunc(ct, airq)
## Node Path
## 1 5 Temp <= 82, Wind > 6.9, Temp <= 77
## 2 3 Temp <= 82, Wind <= 6.9
## 3 6 Temp <= 82, Wind > 6.9, Temp > 77
## 4 9 Temp > 82, Wind > 10.3
## 5 8 Temp > 82, Wind <= 10.3