I am trying to add a main and sub title to my venn diagram that I created using the following code in R. I have read through the R ‘VennDiagram’ package documentation without success. I've also tried using gird.arrange() with a textGrob and the graph from the resulting code, but received an error stating that all inputs must be grobs.
area1 = 396,
area2 = 273,
area3 = 147,
n12 = 266,
n23 = 86,
n13 = 143,
n123 = 83,
category = c("Study", "Work", "Play"),
fill = c("blue", "red", "green"),
The output of that function is a gList (and a side-effect of plotting, if you don't specify ind=FALSE
). In order to use it with grid.arrange, you'd need to wrap it in a gTree,
g = draw.triple.venn(
area1 = 396,
area2 = 273,
area3 = 147,
n12 = 266,
n23 = 86,
n13 = 143,
n123 = 83,
category = c("Study", "Work", "Play"),
fill = c("blue", "red", "green"),
scaled=TRUE, ind = FALSE,
grid.arrange(gTree(children=g), top="Title", bottom="subtitle")