Format of predictions is invalid in R with ROCR package

user2193548 picture user2193548 · Nov 21, 2013 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

I use ROCR package in R. But I got the error "prediction(predictions, label) : Format of predictions is invalid."

Please tell me the solution.

here is code:

install.packages("ROCR", dependencies=TRUE)
install.packages("vcd",  dependencies=TRUE)


presence <- read.csv("sampleAverages.csv")
background <- read.csv("amplePredictions.csv")
pp <- presence$Logistic.prediction                # get the column of predictions
testpp <- pp[presence$Test.or.train=="test"]       # select only test points
trainpp <- pp[presence$Test.or.train=="train"]   # select only train points
bb <- background$logistic

combined <- c(testpp, bb)                                    # combine into a single     vector
label <- c(rep(1,length(testpp)),rep(0,length(bb)))  # labels: 1=present, 0=random
pred <- prediction(combined, label)                    # labeled predictions
perf <- performance(pred, "tpr", "fpr")               # True / false positives, for ROC curve
plot(perf, colorize=TRUE)                                  # Show the ROC curve
performance(pred, "auc")@y.values[[1]]            # Calculate the AUC


user3670684 picture user3670684 · Apr 12, 2015

That may be because you have wrong class of data. Try modifying the predicted data to just one column like this combined[,2] or label[,2]