I am having problems in create a pivot table with a data frame like this:
c1 c2 c3 c4
E 5.76 201 A la vista
E 47530.71 201 A la vista
E 82.85 201 A la vista
L 11376.55 201 A la vista
E 6683.37 203 A la vista
E 66726.52 203 A la vista
E 2.39 203 A la vista
E 79066.07 202 Montoxv_a60d
E 14715.71 202 Montoxv_a60d
E 22661.78 202 Montoxv_a60d
L 81146.25 124 Montoxv_a90d
L 471730.2 124 Montoxv_a186d
E 667812.84 124 Montoxv_a186d
My problem is that I don't know how to create in R a pivot table or summary table with four variables, considering for the final table in the rows, the levels of c1
and c3
and as columns the levels of c4
. The values of c2
variable must be aggregated by sum for each level considered in rows. I would like to get something like this:
A la vista Montoxv_a60d Montoxv_a186d Montoxv_a90d
E 201 47619.32 0 0 0
E 203 73412.28 0 0 0
E 202 0 116443.56 0 0
E 124 0 0 667812.84 0
L 201 11376.55 0 0 0
L 124 0 0 471730.2 81146.25
You can do this with dcast from the reshape2
dcast(mydata, c1 + c3 ~ c4, value.var="c2", fun.aggregate=sum)
For example:
# reproducible version of your data
mydata = read.csv(text="c1,c2,c3,c4
E,5.76,201,A la vista
E,47530.71,201,A la vista
E,82.85,201,A la vista
L,11376.55,201,A la vista
E,6683.37,203,A la vista
E,66726.52,203,A la vista
E,2.39,203,A la vista
E,667812.84,124,Montoxv_a186d", header=TRUE)
result = dcast(mydata, c1 + c3 ~ c4, value.var="c2", fun.aggregate=sum)
c1 c3 A la vista Montoxv_a186d Montoxv_a60d Montoxv_a90d
1 E 124 0.00 667812.8 0.0 0.00
2 E 201 47619.32 0.0 0.0 0.00
3 E 202 0.00 0.0 116443.6 0.00
4 E 203 73412.28 0.0 0.0 0.00
5 L 124 0.00 471730.2 0.0 81146.25
6 L 201 11376.55 0.0 0.0 0.00