rgamma function in R: scale as a vector

plb picture plb · Jun 12, 2013 · Viewed 9.2k times · Source

I'm trying to draw samples from Gamma distribution but I'm considering the 'scale' argument of rgamma as a vector because each sample unit has different scale parameters. I'd like to know what is the rule of this function to choose the values of the argument. For example, if I run this:


Is it generating rgamma(1,shape=1, scale=10),$\ldots$,rgamma(1,shape=1, scale=10)? Besides that, what if I run this:


Which scale parameter is it choosing for each draw? Could someone help me? Thanks


Sycorax picture Sycorax · Jun 12, 2013

R has built-in vectorization. What this means for your first questions is that rgamma(10, shape=1, scale=c(1:10)) will generate 10 values, one for each scale parameter.

When the number of rgamma calls is not the same as the length of the vector, like in rgamma(11, shape=1, scale=c(1:3)), R will recycle the scale values in order until it has 11 scale values of the form c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2).