R, filter matrix based on variance cut-offs

Todd picture Todd · Jun 8, 2013 · Viewed 10.4k times · Source

See edit below Using R, I would like to filter a matrix (of gene expression data) and keep only the rows (genes/probes) that have values with high variance. For example, I'd like to only keep the rows that have values in the bottom and top percentiles (e.g. below 20% and above 80%). I want to limit my study to only genes under high variance for downstream analyses. Are there common ways for gene filtering in R?

My matrix has 18 samples (columns) and 47000 probes (rows) with values that are log2 transformed and normalized. I know the quantile() function can identify the 20% and 80% cutoffs within each sample column. I can't figure out how to find these values for the entire matrix, and then subset the original matrix to remove all the "non-varying" rows.

Example matrix with a mean of 5.97, thus the last three rows should be removed because they contain values between the 20% and 80% cutoffs:

> m

                sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6
ILMN_1762337    7.86    5.05    4.89    5.74    6.78    6.41
ILMN_2055271    5.72    4.29    4.64    5.00    6.30    8.02
ILMN_1736007    3.82    6.48    6.06    7.13    8.20    4.06
ILMN_2383229    6.34    4.34    6.12    6.83    4.82    5.57
ILMN_1806310    6.15    6.37    5.54    5.22    4.59    6.28
ILMN_1653355    7.01    4.73    6.62    6.27    4.77    6.12
ILMN_1705025    6.09    6.68    6.80    6.85    8.35    4.15
ILMN_1814316    5.77    5.17    5.94    6.51    7.12    7.20
ILMN_1814317    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97
ILMN_1814318    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97
ILMN_1814319    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97    5.97

I'd appreciate any suggestions, or functions that I should look into. Thanks!


Sorry, I was not very clear in the OP. (1) I'd like to know the 20% and 80% cutoff values for the entire matrix (not just for each individual sample). (2) Then, if any row contains a value in the upper or lower percentiles, R will keep these rows. If a row contains values (for all samples) that fall near the mean, these rows are thrown out.


Simon O'Hanlon picture Simon O'Hanlon · Jun 8, 2013

Ok, assuming you have a matrix (so I am assuming that your ID column is actually rownames) then this is very simple to do.

#  First find the desired quantile breaks for the entire matrix
qt <- quantile( m , probs = c(0.2,0.8) )
# 20%  80% 
#5.17 6.62 
#  Next get a logical vector of the rows that have any values outside these breaks
rows <- apply( m , 1 , function(x) any( x < qt[1] | x > qt[2] ) )
#  Subset on this vector
m[ rows , ]
#            sample1 sample2 sample3 sample4 sample5 sample6
#ILMN_1762337    7.86    5.05    4.89    5.74    6.78    6.41
#ILMN_2055271    5.72    4.29    4.64    5.00    6.30    8.02
#ILMN_1736007    3.82    6.48    6.06    7.13    8.20    4.06
#ILMN_2383229    6.34    4.34    6.12    6.83    4.82    5.57
#ILMN_1806310    6.15    6.37    5.54    5.22    4.59    6.28
#ILMN_1653355    7.01    4.73    6.62    6.27    4.77    6.12
#ILMN_1705025    6.09    6.68    6.80    6.85    8.35    4.15
#ILMN_1814316    5.77    5.17    5.94    6.51    7.12    7.20

The any( x < qt[1] | x > qt[2] ) part of the apply function (which is designed to apply a function across the margins of a matrix) returns TRUE if any value in that row is outside the 20% and 80% quantiles of your sample matrix. By definition, if no value is outside these bounds it returns FALSE indicating we will drop that row in the next line.