Currently I have a R shiny app, to run it I open up RStudio and execute
From a R script located in my directory.
I am sending the app for review purposes to a co-workers who doesn't know how to use R.
So I'm just wondering ... Is there an easy way to write an executable that directly opens the UI without having to click open R studio and execute the codes?
RStudio != R
There is a simple command-line interface to R, which you can run on Windows by running R.exe in the bin folder of your R installation.
There's also Rscript.exe, which can run an expression or a script file. For example:
C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.2\bin\RScript -e hist(runif(1000))
will (given the right paths) create a PDF file with a histogram in it.
Or get it hosted on the RStudio guys' public shiny server, but then we can all see it.