Add fitted quadratic curve

r lm
Remi.b picture Remi.b · Feb 17, 2013 · Viewed 42.3k times · Source

I'm trying to add a fitted quadratic curve to a plot.


The regression which is displayed is linear and not quadratic and I get this message:

Message d'avis : In abline(lm(data ~ factor + I(factor^2)), col = palette[iteration]) : utilisation des deux premiers des 3 coefficients de régression

which means:

Use of the first 2 of the 3 regression coefficients

When running only the lm() function I don't get any messages.

Here is a sample data:

factor <- 1:7
data <- c(0.1375000,0.2500000,0.3416667,0.4583333,0.7250000,0.9166667,1.0000000)


David Robinson picture David Robinson · Feb 17, 2013

Instead of using abline, use fitted, which gives you a vector the same length as your input of the predictions:

#         1         2         3         4         5         6         7 
# 0.1248016 0.2395833 0.3699405 0.5158730 0.6773810 0.8544643 1.0471230 

Thus, something like:

plot(factor, fitted(lm(data~factor+I(factor^2))), type="l")