Top "R.js" questions

A command line tool for running JavaScript scripts that use the Asychronous Module Defintion API (AMD) for declaring and using JavaScript modules and regular JavaScript script files.

Dynamic require in RequireJS, getting "Module name has not been loaded yet for context" error?

Is there a way to define a module that "dynamically" load other modules in RequireJS? If yes, how the optimizer (…

javascript browser module requirejs r.js
Getting 'Uncaught Error: Script error' for a declared dependency when using r.js

I couldn't find an answer for my issue on SO or Github, so I am posting this: I created a …

requirejs r.js
ReferenceError: localStorage is not defined - requireJS, r.js optimizer and localStorage

I'm trying to optimize my requireJS JavaScript app with r.js. Unfortunately it stops when it rans over the function "…

local-storage requirejs r.js
Most Efficient Multipage RequireJS and Almond setup

I have multiple pages on a site using RequireJS, and most pages have unique functionality. All of them share a …

optimization compression requirejs r.js almond
parse error using esprima for file while optimizing js files with r.js

I am optimizing several js files into one using r.js. It works fine before. Recently,I modified some js …

javascript requirejs r.js