Top "Quicksort" questions

Quicksort is a sorting algorithm invented by C. A. R. Hoare that has an average-case complexity of O(n log n) and worst-case quadratic complexity.

Quicksort slower than Mergesort?

I was working on implementing a quicksort yesterday, and then I ran it, expecting a faster runtime than the Mergesort (…

java algorithm quicksort mergesort
Quicksort - Hoare's partitioning with duplicate values

I have implemented the classic Hoare's partitioning algorithm for Quicksort. It works with any list of unique numbers [3, 5, 231, 43]. The only …

algorithm sorting quicksort partitioning
Why is quicksort faster in average than others?

As we know, the quicksort performance is O(n*log(n)) in average but the merge- and heapsort performance is …

arrays algorithm performance sorting quicksort
number of swaps and comparisons in bubble, selection, insertion and quick sorts

I have implemented all the four sorting algorithms in Java. Just for the hell of it, I decided to look …

java quicksort bubble-sort insertion-sort selection-sort
Scenarios for selection sort, insertion sort, and quick sort

If anyone can give some input on my logic, I would very much appreciate it. Which method runs faster for …

sorting time-complexity quicksort insertion-sort selection-sort
QuickSort's estimation of recursion depth

Being the recursion depth the maximum number of successive recursive calls before QuickSort hits it´s base case, and noting …

algorithm recursion quicksort
Why is mergesort better for linked lists?

Why is mergesort considered "the way to go" when sorting lists and not quicksort? I heard this in a lecture …

sorting data-structures quicksort mergesort