Querydsl is a framework which enables the construction of type-safe SQL-like queries for multiple backends including JPA, MongoDB and SQL in Java.
I would like to make a query with UNION and limit. I can explain that query on mysql. (SELECT * FROM …
elasticsearch querydsl elasticsearch-queryI have a Person JPA entity, and my Person has multiple addresses (OneToMany relationship from Person to Address). I want …
java jpa querydslI use spring mongo data rest and querydsl the domain: has a property: @DateTimeFormat(iso = ISO.DATE_TIME) private LocalDateTime …
spring-data spring-data-rest querydsl spring-mongodbI've been looking for some time now on the documentation and tried several things but I was not able to …
java querydslI’m trying to integrate QueryDSL, Gradle and Springboot in versions from title. I added annotationProcessors to gradle but Intellij …
spring-boot gradle querydsl lombokHow do I express in QueryDSL where clause in form: WHERE (E1 AND E2) OR (E3 AND E4) E1..E4 …