Top "Qtreeview" questions

QTreeView is a class in Qt framework.

how to get the pyqt qtreeview item child using double click event?

I'm using PyQt4 and python 2.7.9. I have a QTreeView that contains data from Oracle database. the code is this: model = …

python-2.7 pyqt4 qtreeview qstandarditemmodel qstandarditem
PyQt5: How to generate a QTreeView from a list of dictionary items?

I have a dataset like this: [{'level': 0, 'dbID': 77, 'parent_ID': 6, 'short_name': '0:0:0:<new> to 6', 'long_name': …

python dictionary pyqt5 qtreeview qstandarditemmodel
Qt model/view vs standard widget

I am currently reading model/view tutorial from Qt, but I am still not sure if I should use model/…

qt qtableview qtablewidget qtreeview qtreewidget
PyQt: How Can I set row heights of QTreeView

In PyQt, I am looking for a way to set the height of rows in a QTreeView (similarly to QTableView.…

qt pyqt pyside pyqt5 qtreeview