I am trying to make the menubar a gradient black colour and that works fine, except for the menu headings.
Here's the stylesheet i'm using:
QString styleSheet = "QMenuBar{background: qlineargradient(x1:0,x2:0,y1:0,y2:1,stop:0 #cccccc, stop:0.4 gray)} QStatusBar{background: qlineargradient(x1:0,x2:0,y1:0,y2:1,stop:0 #cccccc, stop:0.4 gray);color:white;} ";
which I can't get rid of. Is there a way to set it to black?Thanks :)
I believe that the following website is a good resource for answering your question about the QT menubar
issue you are having:
It gives a few code samples which should fully explain what you need to know. As for the blue tinge, I do not have a good idea on how to fix it - I haven't really seen that happen.
Best of luck.