I suspect this is so basic that no one bothered to document it.
I want to write an HTML file from my program, and then load that file into a QWebview object.
When I have QtCreator open, I can navigate to the file in the URL block on the right and it displays within QtCreator. When I compile and run the program, the window is white and blank.
I also don't want the directory hardcoded, I want it to use the current directory.
So I guess there are two questions:
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSLv23_client_method
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_CTX_new
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_library_init
QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function ERR_get_error
Thank you.
From the web
From resource
From File System
No need for QUrl::FromLocalFile
, no need for webView->show()
You are all welcome!