How to pass data from one form to another in Qt?

user662285 picture user662285 · Jun 1, 2011 · Viewed 17.8k times · Source

How can I pass data from one form to another in Qt?
I have created a QWidgetProgect -> QtGuiApplication, I have two forms currently. Now I want to pass data from one form to another.

How can I achieve that ?



Venemo picture Venemo · Jun 1, 2011

Here are some options that you might want to try:

  • If one form owns the other, you can just make a method in the other and call it
  • You can use Qt's Signals and slots mechanism, make a signal in the form with the textbox, and connect it to a slot you make in the other form (you could also connect it with the textbox's textChanged or textEdited signal)

Example with Signals and Slots:

Let's assume that you have two windows: FirstForm and SecondForm. FirstForm has a QLineEdit on its UI, named myTextEdit and SecondForm has a QListWidget on its UI, named myListWidget.

I'm also assuming that you create both of the windows in the main() function of your application.


class FistForm : public QMainWindow


private slots:
    void onTextBoxReturnPressed();

    void newTextEntered(const QString &text);



// Constructor:
    // Connecting the textbox's returnPressed() signal so that
    // we can react to it

    connect(ui->myTextEdit, SIGNAL(returnPressed),
            this, SIGNAL(onTextBoxReturnPressed()));

void FirstForm::onTextBoxReturnPressed()
    // Emitting a signal with the new text
    emit this->newTextEntered(ui->myTextEdit->text());


class SecondForm : public QMainWindow


public slots:
    void onNewTextEntered(const QString &text);


void SecondForm::onNewTextEntered(const QString &text)
    // Adding a new item to the list widget


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QApplication app(argc, argv);

    // Instantiating the forms
    FirstForm first;
    SecondForm second;

    // Connecting the signal we created in the first form
    // with the slot created in the second form
    QObject::connect(&first, SIGNAL(newTextEntered(const QString&)),
                     &second, SLOT(onNewTextEntered(const QString&)));

    // Showing them;;

    return app.exec();