I have created a dialog using QtDesigner. There is a QLineEdit
object in the dialog with some default content. When the dialog initializes and the focus goes to the QLineEdit
, I want the default content to be auto selected, so once the user start writing, the previous content will be overwritten.
In constructor:
connect( dialog, SIGNAL(accepted()), QlineObj, SLOT( selectAll() ) );
This is an older question, but nevertheless, I ended up here searching for a solution this exact problem. It can be solved in the following way:
Create a class derived from QLineEdit
and override the focusInEvent
in the header:
virtual void focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event) override;
Then implement it like so:
void MyLineEdit::focusInEvent(QFocusEvent *event)
// First let the base class process the event
// Then select the text by a single shot timer, so that everything will
// be processed before (calling selectAll() directly won't work)
QTimer::singleShot(0, this, &QLineEdit::selectAll);
Just in case anybody else wonders how this can be done ;-)