Is WxWidgets still relevant in 2015?

graywolf picture graywolf · Sep 3, 2015 · Viewed 29k times · Source

Is WxWidgets relevant in 2015? Last release was on October 06, 2014, is this project dead? Is there any reason to pick it over Qt?


VZ. picture VZ. · Sep 3, 2015

Yes, wxWidgets is relevant in 2015 for writing portable desktop applications with native look and feel, nothing much has changed there.Reasons for choosing wx over Qt remain the same as always too, see e.g. this answer. What did change is that in many cases you need to target mobile platforms (where wxWidgets is much less relevant as it only has some support for iOS and still not for anything else) or may choose the HTML+JS approach -- but this is a separate decision.

The project is certainly mature (who wouldn't, after 20+ years), but is not dead at all. You can look at the commit activity to check for yourself. If you think that 11 months since the last release is too long to wait for, you are absolutely free to use the latest Git master (which does have quite a number of improvements) or switch to one of JavaScript frameworks.