Get the path from a QML url

Timmmm picture Timmmm · Jul 24, 2014 · Viewed 18.7k times · Source

FileDialog gives a QML url variable. theurl.toString() gives something like file:///c:\foo\bar.txt. How do I get c:\foo\bar.txt?

I want to do it in a cross-platform way, and ideally without relying on regex-style hacks. QUrl provides a path() method, but I don't seem to be able to access it from QML.


mozzbozz picture mozzbozz · Nov 11, 2014

As noted in the comments already, there seems to be no way (yet?) to get the path itself without a regex. So this is the only way to go:

Basic solution

FileDialog {
    onAccepted: {
        var path = myFileDialog.fileUrl.toString();
        // remove prefixed "file:///"
        path = path.replace(/^(file:\/{3})/,"");
        // unescape html codes like '%23' for '#'
        cleanPath = decodeURIComponent(path);

This regex should be quite robust as it only removes the file:/// from the beginning of the string.

You will also need to unescape some HTML characters (if the file name contains e.g. the hash #, this would be returned as %23. We decode this by using the JavaScript function decodeURIComponent()).

Fully featured example

If you not only want to filter the file:/// but also qrc:// and http://, you can use this RegEx:


So the new, complete code would be:

FileDialog {
    onAccepted: {
        var path = myFileDialog.fileUrl.toString();
        // remove prefixed "file:///"
        path= path.replace(/^(file:\/{3})|(qrc:\/{2})|(http:\/{2})/,"");
        // unescape html codes like '%23' for '#'
        cleanPath = decodeURIComponent(path);

This is a good playground for RegEx'es: