I'd like to have a "new tab" button much like Chrome or Firefox has for my QMdiArea
I can make a button or menu item somewhere that adds a new subdocument to the MDI thing, but how can I make it a visually appealing tiny tab with a "+" as label? Alternatively, I would be happy enough with a QTabWidget
with such a button.
I know that question is outdated, but some time ago I was looking for ready-to-use implementation of feature you requested. I digged a bit and implement this for Qt 5 -- take a look at repo.
Main idea is to do:
// Create button what must be placed in tabs row
QToolButton *tb = new QToolButton();
// Add empty, not enabled tab to tabWidget
tabWidget->addTab(new QLabel("Add tabs by pressing \"+\""), QString());
tabWidget->setTabEnabled(0, false);
// Add tab button to current tab. Button will be enabled, but tab -- not
tabWidget->tabBar()->setTabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide, tb);