Top "Qt" questions

Qt is a cross-platform application development framework widely used for the development of application software that can be run on various software and hardware platforms with little or no change in the underlying codebase, while having the power and speed of native applications.

How to connect menu click with action in Qt Creator?

I am completely new to Qt. I started with a new Qt4 GUI Application. Using the designer, I have created …

qt menu action
QtCreator and Command Line Arguments

Is there a way to send command line arguments to a program being debugged in QtCreator?

qt qt-creator
Alternatives to Qt

I've been searching the web inorder to find a cross-platform(Mac, Pc, perhaps even linux) framework. I know that qt …

qt cross-platform
Qt signals (QueuedConnection and DirectConnection)

I'm having trouble with Qt signals. I don't understand how DirectConnection and QueuedConnection works? I'd be thankful if someone will …

c++ qt qthread qt-signals
Get filename from QFile?

eg: QFile f("/home/umanga/Desktop/image.jpg"); How I get only the filename - "image.jpg"?

qt qt4
How to delete all rows from QTableWidget

I am trying to delete all rows from a QTableWidget . Here is what I tried. for ( int i = 0; i < …

c++ qt qtablewidget
QML Listview selected item highlight on click

Hi I want to put this code : highlight: Rectangle { color: "black" radius: 5 opacity: 0.7 focus: true } into mouseArea in onclick handler: …

qt listview qml selecteditem
cmake does not find qt 5.1.1

I just installed the Qt 5.1.1 for Windows 32-bit (MinGW 4.8, OpenGL) and tried to add it to my cmake. But CMake …

c++ qt cmake qt5 qtwidgets
How do I construct an ISO 8601 datetime in C++?

I'm working with the Azure REST API and they are using this to create the request body for table storage: …

c++ qt azure
QString Splitting

I have these url strings file:///home/we/Pictures/neededWord/3193_n.jpg file:///home/smes/Pictures/neededWord/jds_22.png file:///…

qt qt4 split qstring