Signals and slots are used for communication between objects.
I'm trying to update a QProgressDialog (owned by a QMainWindow class) along the execution of a QThread who process some …
c++ multithreading qt qt5 qt-signalsI am a newbie with Qt. Most of the times Qt developers need to use signals and slots for object …
c++ qt qobject qtcore qt-signalsEnums are not working out for me. I have registered them with Q_ENUMS() I did not forget the Q_…
c++ qt qml qtquick2 qt-signalsAfter reading some articles like this about Qt Signal-Slot communications I still have a question concerning the queued connection. If …
c++ qt qthread qtcore qt-signalsIs it possible to pass variables through slots so I can print out certain text? Trying to pass variable 'DiffP' …
python python-3.x pyqt pyqt5 qt-signalsI am porting a Linux app to Windows written in Qt. The application needs to save some settings before closing. …
c++ windows qt qt-signals qtcoreI have a class (MyClass) that inherits most of its functionality from a Qt built-in object (QGraphicsTextItem). QGraphicsTextItem inherits indirectly …
c++ qt multiple-inheritance qt-signalsI am building a simple application to open up a folder of data and plot that data. Importing the data …
python pyqt qtreewidget qt-signalsI'm having a problem with QT regarding multiple enheritance because of QObject. I know that a lot of others have …
c++ qt multiple-inheritance qt-signalsI have to develop a C++ program for an embedded FriendlyARM-based processor system. I use Qt Creator 3.0.0 (based on Qt 5.2.0) …
qt qtcore qt-signals qtserialport qiodevice