Top "Qt-creator" questions

Qt Creator is a comprehensive open source C++ IDE which is part of the Qt Project.

How can Qt Creator be used as general C++ IDE (no usage of Qt library)?

I've been looking around for a nice C++ IDE, and I really like the features and performance of Qt Creator, …

c++ qt ide cmake qt-creator
Qt & Qt Designer - Making widget fill the parent without padding

I wanted to make my widget fill the parent window, even when the window resizes, so I read this: How …

qt layout user-interface qt-creator qt-designer
Auto-generate setters/getters with QTCreator?

Despite some searchs, I wasn't able to find a way to auto-generate getters and setters for a C++ class, using …

c++ qt qt-creator
Setting default make options for Qt Creator?

How can i override default make parameters , which is: make -w Each time i create a project , i had to …

qt qt-creator qt4.7
advantage of QString over std::string

What advantages does QString offer over std::string? Can a normal std::string store unicode characters ? I m trying to …

c++ string qt unicode qt-creator
Setting a plain background color for a QGraphicsView widget

I'm trying to display a little square of solid color. I've created a QGraphicsView widget myGraphicsView and call: ui->…

c++ qt qt4 qt-creator qt-designer
qDebug not displaying anything

Often when I need to debug something it's easier to print something using qDebug() instead of debugging step-by-step using a …

c++ qt qt-creator qdebug
Debugging in QtCreator using MSVC2017 compiler

I've installed Qt, but I'm getting errors when trying to debug C++ code from within QtCreator. I'm using Visual Studio 2017 …

c++ qt debugging visual-studio-2017 qt-creator
How to solve Qt Creators variable-"<not accessible>" behavior?

I have the same problem as described in Variables in Locals and Expressions not accessible in QT Creator but I …

c++ qt qt-creator fedora
QProcess and shell : Destroyed while process is still running

I want to launch a shell script with Qt. QProcess process; process.start(commandLine, QStringList() << confFile); process.waitForFinished(); …

qt shell qt-creator sh qprocess