Top "Qml" questions

they interact and relate with one another.

How to connect Python and QML with PySide2?

I want to write a simple desktop application on Ubuntu and I thought that an easy way was to use …

python qt qml pyside2
QML - tracking global position of a component

I would like to track a global position of an object (or relative to one of it's ancestors) and bind …

qt qml qt-quick qtquick2
Remove rows from QAbstractListModel

I have a custom model which derives from QAbstractListModel which is exposed to QML. I need to support operations to …

qt qml qtquick2 qabstractitemmodel qabstractlistmodel
How to align items in RowLayout

I want to align Rectangles in a RowLayout left to right. In below code example two Rectangles share additional space …

qt qml qt5 qtquick2
{ Qt5.0.2/QML/QtQuick2.0/C++ } Example Projects that run without errors?

My setup is Qt5.0.2 MinGW 32-bit. I am looking for { Qt5.0.2 / QML / QtQuick2.0 / C++ } code project examples (not Qt Quick 1.0) …

c++ qt qml sample
How to Emit signals from javascript to qml

I want to emit signal from javascript-file and receive it in qml-file (To find when time-consuming operation will finished). How …

javascript qt qt4 qml qt-quick
QML - main window position on start (screen center)

How I can do following: I’d like show my main window on start on the center screen.

c++ qt qml qt-quick
QtQuick - button onClick event

Background story So I recently decided that I should try out Qt. I started making a QtQuick Apllication. In my …

qt qml qtquick2 qt-quick qtquickcontrols
How to define a "template" with child placeholders in QML?

I really like QML. I like how I can define components (comparable to classes) and their properties, and instantiate them …

qt qml qt-quick
What is the difference between QQmlApplicationEngine and QQuickView?

I'm using QQmlApplicationEngine as follows: QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); app.exec(); …

qt qml qtquick2 qquickview qqmlapplicationengine