Top "Qmake" questions

`qmake`, part of the Qt framework, is a tool for generating Makefiles and IDE project files.

Why does Qt use its own make tool, qmake?

I just started using Qt and noticed that it uses its own make tool, qmake. Why does Qt use its …

c++ qt cross-platform qmake
Build Qt Project in Debug Mode from Command line (aka bash script) in Linux

I already have a project with a .pro file that can be built in debug and release mode. So my …

linux qt bash makefile qmake
Linking with a debug/release lib with qmake/Qt Creator

I am using Qt Creator and have a Qt GUI project that depends on a C++ static library project. I …

c++ qt qmake
Build Qt in "Release with Debug Info" mode?

Is there a way to build Qt in "Release with Debug info" mode ? My application crashes only in "release" mode (…

c++ qt qt4 qmake
qmake pre-build step before ANY compilation

There are several questions on SO regarding how to create a pre-build step for qmake, I can do that with …

qt qmake
How do I use qmake to build multiple binaries in a single project?

I'm writing a small qt app suite that consists of a set of small programs that work on the same …

qt qmake
qMake: How exactly does qmake interpret the "CONFIG(debug, debug|release)" syntax

I read though HERE, yet I still don't understand the syntax of the qmake CONFIG variable. for example, if I …

qt qt-creator qmake
Developing QT applications in Xcode?

My IDE of choice for the Mac (at least for C++ and Objective-C development) is Xcode. I have a 64-bit …

c++ xcode qt qmake
Running a program/script from QMake

We have a fairly large code-base. The vast majority of the code is compiled using qmake to produce the makefiles. …

qt makefile qmake nmake
Change Qt install path after building?

how can I change Qt install path after I building it ? Example : qmake.exe search binaries to original install path, …

qt build path installation qmake