Top "Pyyaml" questions

PyYAML is a YAML 1.1 parser and emitter for Python.

Why fatal error: 'yaml.h' file not found when installing PyYAML?

I'm trying out downloading PyYAML and install it following the instructions here So I downloaded …

python parsing yaml pyyaml
How to parse a YAML file with multiple documents?

Here is my parsing code: import yaml def yaml_as_python(val): """Convert YAML to dict""" try: return yaml.load_…

python yaml pyyaml
PyYAML : Control ordering of items called by yaml.load()

I have a yaml setting file which creates some records in db: setting1: name: [item,item] name1: text anothersetting2: name: […

python pyyaml
I don't understand what a YAML tag is

I get it on some level, but I have yet to see an example that didn't bring up more questions …

tags yaml specifications pyyaml
Loading document as raw string in yaml with PyYAML

I want to parse yaml documents like the following meta-info-1: val1 meta-info-2: val2 --- Plain text/markdown content! jhaha If …

python yaml pyyaml
Changing a value in a yaml file using Python

I have a .yaml file I want to update with a Python code. Let's say it looks something like that: …

python yaml pyyaml
Cygwin - How to install ansible?

How to get / install ansible using Cygwin? I tried the following steps but it's didn't work during bullet 5 (while running "…

cygwin installation ansible pyyaml
Is there a way to construct an object using PyYAML construct_mapping after all nodes complete loading?

I am trying to make a yaml sequence in python that creates a custom python object. The object needs to …

python yaml pyyaml
How can I add a python tuple to a YAML file using pyYAML?

The title is fairly self-explanatory. When I save a tuple to a YAML file, I get something that looks like …

python pyyaml
How to append data to YAML file

I have a file *.yaml with contents as below: bugs_tree: bug_1: html_arch: filepath moved_by: user1 moved_date: …

python yaml pyyaml