Press key with pywinauto

Hangfish picture Hangfish · Oct 26, 2016 · Viewed 16.2k times · Source

Extremely straightforward question.

Just want to press a keyboard key. Like enter, using pywin auto. I don't want to press it in the context of any application window.

Just a raw keypress of a keyboard key, like a or enter or backspace.


Vasily Ryabov picture Vasily Ryabov · Oct 26, 2016

Just use

# from pywinauto.SendKeysCtypes import SendKeys # old for pywinauto==0.5.x
from pywinauto.keyboard import send_keys

send_keys('some text{ENTER 2}some more textt{BACKSPACE}', with_spaces=True)


P.S. SendKeysCtypes was renamed to keyboard in pywinauto 0.6.0+.