Top "Pywin32" questions

The PyWin32 package is a close wrapper around Microsoft Windows API.

Problem installing pywin32

I am trying to install pywin32 for Python 2.6. I have python installed but it's not in the regular c: drive …

python pywin32
What exactly does win32com.client.Dispatch("WScript.Shell")?

I was searching for a Python piece of code which would simulate keystrokes. I stumble upon something using win32com.…

python windows pywin32 win32com
python win32 extensions documentation

I'm new to both python and the python win32 extensions available at but I …

python documentation pywin32
Why can't I find any pywin32 documentation/resources

I cannot find pywin32 documentation or even a little synopsis of what the module is (I am aware its for …

python pywin32 pywin
Symlinks on windows?

Does anyone know of a way to make/read symbolic links across versions of win32 from Python? Ideally there should …

python winapi symlink pywin32
How do I get started with PyWin32

I am looking for good resources to get started with pywin32. I haven’t found much in the way of …

python excel python-3.x ms-word pywin32
Common ways to connect to odbc from python on windows?

What library should I use to connect to odbc from python on windows? Is there a good alternative for pywin32 …

python windows odbc pywin32 pyodbc
Creating a python win32 service

I am currently trying to create a win32 service using pywin32. My main point of reference has been this tutorial: …

python winapi pywin32
Error installing and running pywin32 2.7

I am coming up with a couple errors after installing: pywin32-217.win32-py2.7 I have recently upgraded ArcGIS to 10.1 …

python winapi installation pywin32
Creating pivot table in Excel using python causes pywintypes.com_error

I adapted the following code found here to create a pivot table in my existing excel sheet: import win32com.…

python excel vba pywin32