Resize GIF animation, pil/imagemagick, python

eshlox picture eshlox · Apr 3, 2012 · Viewed 10k times · Source

I want to change size of GIF animation image using python and PIL or PythonMagick. I can't find solution. PIL and thumbnail method works for jpg and png but not for gif. ImageMagick has command mogrify/convert -resize '1280x1024>' but i can't find documentation and i don't know how to do it with pythonmagick.

Anyone knows solution?

In the worst case i use os/subprocess and convert ;-S



fraxel picture fraxel · Apr 5, 2012

You can use PIL and images2gif, a short PIL based module linked to on this blog page, and available here. Code used to process this rose.gif is below. I set the images2gif.readGif 'read as numpy array' property to false in order to get a list of PIL images so as I could use the PIL thumbnail function.

Orignial: rose Processed: small rose

import Image
import images2gif

frames = images2gif.readGif("rose.gif",False)
for frame in frames:
    frame.thumbnail((100,100), Image.ANTIALIAS)

images2gif.writeGif('rose99.gif', frames)

I'm not sure how to preserve transparency, my attempts to do so have failed (so far).