I'm trying to install django-extensions + graphviz + pygraph but i can't. I have done the following steps ( under Ubuntu ):
sudo apt-get install graphviz libgraphviz-dev graphviz-dev python-pygraphviz
in the project virtualenv (running python 2.7.2+):
source <path to virtualenv>/bin/activate
pip install django django-extensions
if i run
which python
it selects the python in my virtualenv, so the python i'm using is the right one. in the virtualenv's site-package i have pygraphviz and django-extensions
python manage.py shell
import django_extensions
import pygraphviz
in my django project i have added 'django_extensions' in my INSTALLED_APPS
But when i run
python manage.py help
i can't see the commands and they are unavailable.
python manage.py graph_models -a -g -o model.png
Unknown command: 'graph_models'
Type 'manage.py help' for usage.
How can I fix this ? Thanks!
Run this in manage.py shell:
from django.conf import settings; 'django_extensions' in settings.INSTALLED_APPS
If it doesn't return True, then it means that you didn't add 'django_extensions' properly in INSTALLED_APPS, and that would be the only reason why Django doesn't find the command.