What's the best way to split a multi-page TIFF with python? PIL doesn't seem to have support for multi-page images, and I haven't found an exact port for libtiff for python. Would PyLibTiff be the way to go? Can somebody provide a simple example of how I could parse multiple pages within a TIFF?
A project (disclosure: which I am one of the main authors, this question was one of the things that prompted me to work on it) which makes this is easy is PIMS. The core of PIMS is essentially a cleaned up and generalized version of the following class.
A class to do basic frame extraction + simple iteration.
import PIL.Image
class Stack_wrapper(object):
def __init__(self,fname):
'''fname is the full path '''
self.im = PIL.Image.open(fname)
# get image dimensions from the meta data the order is flipped
# due to row major v col major ordering in tiffs and numpy
self.im_sz = [self.im.tag[0x101][0],
self.cur = self.im.tell()
def get_frame(self,j):
'''Extracts the jth frame from the image sequence.
if the frame does not exist return None'''
except EOFError:
return None
self.cur = self.im.tell()
return np.reshape(self.im.getdata(),self.im_sz)
def __iter__(self):
self.old = self.cur
self.cur = self.im.tell()
return self
def next(self):
self.cur = self.im.tell()+1
except EOFError:
self.cur = self.im.tell()
raise StopIteration
return np.reshape(self.im.getdata(),self.im_sz)